Wednesday, December 31, 2014




今年,年头我开始了第一次实习,在hilton kl。战战兢兢地进酒店,不知所措得紧第一个部门,然后又战战兢兢地走进第二个部门,第三个部门。经历了在酒店工作的滋味,我还蛮享受的。可能是因为刚巧碰到一班同龄的人吧,很容易就聊开了,但是每次要麻烦家人早早载我出去,晚晚载我回家,就觉得很对不起很麻烦他们。进到这行,发现到真的要很会保护好自己,一不小心就会给人家非礼了。这应该会是我一个很久很久都不能磨灭的阴影了吧?


还记那是他生日的前一天,我开始生病,朦朦胧胧去上课,电话漏在爸爸车上我都没发现,到班上狂找也找不到。心里想糟糕了!会不会掉在路上?!那时电话里有个timetable app,时间到上课时间就会自动静音,而且很不巧的时间偏偏到了,怎么打都找不到。我穿着高跟鞋一路从D4跑到学校后门,还是没找到。打给爸爸问,他也说没在车上。我将近崩溃,里面好多照片好多信息好多回忆啊!过后爸爸打来,问我有找到吗,我怕怕地说没有,还以为他会骂我,(因为如果是妈妈,一定会骂了我再说)但是爸爸说再帮我找找看。很幸运的,爸爸打来的第二通电话是说在座椅下找到了我的电话!而且他在附近打油,很快就会把电话送过来。(不然如果他去了puchong,我应该要下午才能拿回电话了)一身汗回到课时,才发现两个大脚趾都长了一个大水泡,痛死了!根本就没办法再穿鞋子,但是我没带拖鞋啊!想着上完这堂课去隔壁班借好了,没想到女生们没有一个人有带,只有他因为要去朋友家过夜刚巧有带在身上。犹豫很久,朋友劝说先穿上吧,不然你这么痛也不行啊。就这样穿了他的拖鞋一整天,放学后还被朋友拖着去咖啡店吹了超冷的冷气,还要回学校听一个不懂什么talk,又再度被冷气折磨。真的是多灾多难的一天。

最幸福的一天应该是我们开始的那一天。他终于敞开心扉接受了我。<--- kim="" p="">



但是2014对马来西亚就真的不是那么顺的一年了。3件飞机意外,MH370, MH17, QZ8501, 都是很让人心酸的事件,也让我很担心他明年的旅行;还有现在还是发生的水灾。。完全让人没办法想象那些灾民怎样生活。。

1. 家人都平安健康
2. 马来西亚别这么多灾多难
3. 我和他爱情事业学业都顺顺利利

Monday, March 17, 2014

HKL Annual Dinner

16 March 2014 (Sunday)

Went to work unwillingly. Why? Because today is HKL’s Annual dinner, all the other trainees are either off early, or totally day off to help out at the event. And me? I had to work because my manager won’t let me change the schedule. Damn…. I wanted to go so badly because this will be my first time attending an annual dinner. Felt so sad the whole day. Even though I brought a set of dinner clothes, I did not put any hopes to go. One was because work ends at 10, and by the time I get there it will be 10.30 already; and secondly, all my friends would have been in there and it will be too damn awkward for me to walk in alone like this. So I told myself, I will go with the Chynna guys (if they are going after work) despite the fact that I’m already not in Chynna.

Started work at 12.30 like normal, break, then at 6 the permanent staffs went to the ballroom to register themselves, and I tagged along with them. Saw my friend at the registration counter, wearing nice dress and nice makeup, that feel….. urgh. The restaurant that I was working in was exceptionally quiet, there were only 7 guests the whole night. So at around 8.30pm, one permenant staff finished her shift and wanted to bring me along to the party, just to walk one round, get some food and come back to work, but our assistant manager said she will send me up later. L I don’t wanna go in alone awkwardly! After about half an hour, our AM asked the team leader (which the position is equivalent to a supervisor) if trainees are allowed to go up, and he said no. I was like whatttttt???? All the other trainees are up there and you say I cant go?! That feeling was seriously imba. He really spoiled my mood for the next 1 hour.  After my shift, I went to Chynna to rant it out saying that my team leader wouldn’t let me go. Then the bartender at Chynna, William asked me to go along with them since they will be going after work and the restaurant was quiet so they will be done in a while. Okay, mood changed better and I went up to my locker to get changed. When the lift door opened, we saw everyone leaving the ballroom already. Heyyyy? Isn’t the party until 1am? Why is everyone leaving at 10.30pm? Luckily I was going with the bunch of them, at least we were in this awkward situation together. Went to the ballroom, met my friend and we started taking photos. Partied abit on the dance floor and left the ballroom around 12am. Wanted to ask my sis to come and fetch me but my other team leader, Bobby offered to send me and another friend home. Why not? Before leaving the ballroom, I was holding a cup of beer and to not waste it, I decided to gulp it all down. Forgot the fact that I was gulping it with an empty stomach.

Me skulling the drink.

Went back to the locker to get our stuffs, and 2 of the guys were getting drunk already. Even I was feeling abit dizzy. I thought I could drink. Went back down to the lobby to wait for Bobby, and one of the guy wanted to puke. Holy… we quickly contacted Bobby so that we can get to his room (he booked one room in the hotel coz he was performing for the dinner) and funny things started. Hing was really getting drunk, he started to talk nonsense and talked so loudly in the lobby. So embarrassing! I getting more and more dizzy couldn’t even walk straight and was pulling on William’s bag. I think he got dizzy because of me pulling him. Sorry! ><

Went to their room, and all of us started talking nonsense. Haha. We decided to go to MCD to get some coffee and food to freshen up, as William is driving and he is supposed to send Ah Hing home. But William keep saying that he is not drunk when he is drunk. (which drunktard will ever admit that he is drunk?) Finally felt better after going to MCD and reached home at 2am. And damn, my parents were still waiting for me. Told them to go and sleep first! Why so stubborn.

Us talking nonsense and going high.

If it wasn’t for William, I would have missed such a fun party thanks to my Graze team leader and AM. Things would have been so different if I was still working in Chynna L

 Buddy who entered STEP and HKL with me.

 Chynna Team leader/ Taylor's senior from 5 years ago. Also one of my favourite team leader in Chynna. He is always guiding and helping me. Gay but can't see that he is gay.

 Caryn (Xue Er) the only same age female with me in Chynna. Her main territory is the reception/ IA. Always helping me out and talking to me. A very sweet girl. Too bad that she has resigned. :(

 Jackson. The HR trainee, also the one who made me scream at the corridor when I burnt my hand. Even though we were from the same batch but we only knew each other after going for internship. Can't you make any better pose?

 HR team, except for the white dress girl in the middle, who isn't supposed to be in the picture.

William, Chynna bartender. I always call him Prince William and he gets flattered all the time. ==  
One of my funniest memory about him was one time I was told to take care of 2 PDR, 201 and 202 and he was at the other PDR 200. When I was clearing at the end, the plates and stuff were too heavy for me to carry so I went to ask him for help.
Me: 威廉王子,我需要借你的肩膀。
He: 你有什么事不开心尽管说出来。(him holding his shoulder)
Me: 我需要你的肩膀帮我扛东西。wahahahahah
He: 原来你只是要利用我。。。
I laughed throughout that whole conversation coz his facial expression was so damn funny. 
He was also the one who taught me how to hold 7 red wine glasses with one hand. 

 Hing. Our Chynna "da hor" or known as food runner. Everytime I will be looking for chilli padi during his busy hours and he will tell me where is it placed in a pissed off tone. But after knowing him for some time, I know that he is not that fierce and he is quite a funny guy. P/s: drunktard!

 Bob from HR. Funny goy, always cracking jokes. 

 Ah Wai. Another "da hor" from Chynna. I always call him 老夫子, don't they look alike? Haha. A guy who is very very very sensitive to poking. Love to poke him everytime :P

The Chynna team with our manager, Michael. Gonna miss the fun and memories created with you guys!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Internship(shit) 2

Im in the second department for internship already which is the kitchen department. There are two kitchens that I am posted to, main kitchen and Vasco kitchen. Main kitchen, really nothing to do. They serve mainly for banquet, and the week before CNY banquet was really slow. I was there cutting vegetables, cleaning the fridge. Yeah, those bo liao things. Was there for one week, but deducting all my off days and public holiday, I was only in there for 3 days.

Second kitchen, Vasco kitchen. First day I went back to work after CNY, drama started. I forgot to bring my socks, so I had to wear the kitchen shoes without socks. At the end of the day, I had a freaking big blister on the right foot, and a small thorn kind of thing poking into my left foot. Both I had to use needle to poke it/take it out. Have I mentioned that I’m scared of needles and blood till the level that I totally can’t stand looking at wounds?

Vasco is the restaurant that serves buffet. I had to become the runner and refill food that are running out. First day, of course blur right? And the first thing I was told to when I went to the restaurant was “go refill that one” and no one told me where the things were kept. Sigh. Had to ask around and get black faces lo. Luckily a Chinese chef was quite nice. He teached me what to do and where to get the stuff.

Was in Vasco kitchen for 4 days excluding off days, and the second last day (7/2/14) , another drama happened. I did not realise that the oven at the back of me was opened, and I was concentrating doing other stuff, suddenly I stepped backwards and felt a sting on my elbow. Next second I realise, one layer of my skin was burnt and gone. As I was rushing off to another restaurant to ask about my schedule for next week, I did not do anything to the wound.

After I have settled everything, I went back to level 7 where my locker was and where the HR office is, I just tried my luck to message Jackson to ask him if there is any cream for burnt skin in HR. I was shaking so badly as there was nobody with me and I didn’t know what to do and how is the wound like, was about to tear at that time. After that he came out with a bottle of antiseptic cream together with another trainee. I didn’t dare to rub the cream on the wound, (I kept dapping it instead) as I was scared that my hands are dirty after touching all those things in the kitchen. And then, this babi told me “eh look at that side”, and he rubbed the cream on me hardly. The corridor was so quiet that it was filled with my scream shout that time. Damn embarrassing!! I’m still a girl afterall, gentle a bit la! TT then he showed me his burnt scar. I don’t wanna scar like that please L after Jackson went back to his office, Sherly, another staff from HR came out asking me: “ burn until how?” then I realised, thanks to him, the whole HR knows about it now. Few minutes later, another guy came out and ask about the same thing. Jackson ahhh!!! Damn xia sui man… after changing out from my uniform, I decided to go to HR again to get plaster but mana tau he ask me to not bandage it. What…from the changing room to HR, only about 100m distance I have already bumped into it twice. Freaking pain…After work, I went to sentral to grab some antiseptic cream and dressing, using the first salary that I just got that afternoon itself. Still feel safer with something protecting it.  

Finally last day of kitchen today. Fucking hell. Morning as usual I went to the buffet counter to check the food level, then I was called by the chef to go to the back to peel all the rooted vegetables, he said ALL. Then when I was peeling the cucumber, he ask me: “why you peel that?? DON’T PEEL THAT”. Wtf? I thought he said all? Ok lo, I assume is my fault. Then when I was peeling other stuff, I felt someone touching my butt. At first I did not pay attention to it as I was standing at a corridor where there are a lot of people passing by. Then suddenly the chef appeared beside me and started talking to me about blowjob handjob? Fucking hell….?!

After finish peeling, I walk out to the restaurant again, but halfway I bumped into the chef, and he suddenly faced me while holding both sides of my shoulders, asking me if I could stay till 8pm tonight. HELLOOOO?! My shift ends at 5.30!! I told him I cant as there’s a dinner that I have to attend to at night. Then he started nagging saying, “but the job has to be done, this is what happens when you manage dungus.” So, he is calling me a dungu right now? Had no choice, and all I could do was nod my head. Then he hold my hand and brought me to the stewarding area. (OS: Fucking shit let go of my hand!!!) he asked me to wash the inserts which they used for steamed egg. You know how freaking hard is that to clean it out?! “call me when you’re done ok?” and he left his number with me. No way in hell I’m going to call you I was thinking. Some of the Vasco abang saw me washing that and they were all scratching their heads, thinking why on earth does chef want me to wash it when it has to be soaked in water for a few more hours? After knowing that, all I could think of was is chef trying to fool me? One abang came to me and ask me to help to clear the buffet counter. (memang la, I am supposed to be helping the japnese buffet, apasal want me to wash inserts pulak ni) while I was clearing the counter, chef came out asking me why haven’t I call him and why am I doing other stuff? “next time, only do the things I asked, if other people ask you to do things, say sorry, chef ask me to do other stuff” he said.

Oh well, looking at the clock, nearing 12pm. Chef Desmond ask me to go for my break first, as I never had any breakfast in the morning. Is not that I don’t want to eat, but there were no food left in the cafeteria! However, too bad so sad, the stupid chef ask me to go and slice up all those roots that I’ve peeled. HOHOHO…. Took 2 hours to finish and clean up, and the cafeteria closes at 2.30pm. at that time, I gave up on the thought of going for break. Wanted to just force myself to work till 5.30 and get home asap. Luckily by 4, there were no more work left in the kitchen, and the abang ask me to go for my break. Hallehluya…. Eventhough some of the abang in the kitchen like to kacau girls, but they wont do any physical harassment. This chef… no comments already. Thank god it was my last day in there working under him.

At 5.30, I was so lucky that I did not bump into the stupid chef. Went to find chef Desmond to tell him that I’m going back already and faster ran off from the kitchen. But I’ll still have to find him at the end of the month to get my salary form signed by him. FML.