Thursday, November 8, 2012

SEA Best Sommelier Competition 2012

Wednesday afternoon, our class skipped Beverage Studies class and attended the South East Asia Best Sommelier Competition 2012 at Westin Hotel. Oh well, is still under Bev subject and under the same lecturer :P

Our class only had 10/16 attendance, when G2 and 3 had full attendance. xiasui la!

The bus was scheduled to leave uni at 1pm, but god knows what reason we only left at 1.30pm. I thought we were going to be late as Ms Jasmine told us that the competition will start at 2pm. Reached there somewhere before 2.30pm and noticed that it will only begin at 3pm. Ms Jas, you trolling us? Nevermind, had some wine testing before going in, but dint try as much as the previous time. I dont wanna get home in a drunk state.

This is the 3rd SEA Best Sommelier Competition. First one was held in Ho Chih Min, second year in Indonesia and third time in KL. This year the 3 finalist where from Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. First they had to do wine identification, then professional wine introduction, serving wine, suggesting what wine to go with what food, and another round of professional wine introduction. The Indonesian guy was so nervous throughout the whole thing. The Singaporean guy was doing good from the starting, until he asked the emcee to set up the glasses for him and got rejected. Then he started to panic and did all sorts of mistake. Wasted. Finally, the last one to come out, our Malaysia representative, Edmund Liew. He was a former Taylor's student according to our lecturers. Nice! He screwed up a little in the middle but overall it was good. Ok la, no matter what he will be good. *so bias* Guess who won this competition? Malaysia! :D we were all cheering for him after they announce the results. Runner up Indonesia, first runner up Singapore. 3 years champion for Malaysia! WOOHOO!

Just as we stepped out of the hotel, the rain started to pour. Y U NO RAIN EARLIER! Jing En and I planned to take the LRT home from KLCC. Is good to finally get a transport kaki. Now I don't have to walk to After waiting for him to finish taking photos with his classmates, we ran across to Pavillion to get to the connection bridge to KLCC. Some of our classmates thought that we were going to Pavillion for shopping. Are you guys crazy? I almost tripped and fell on the way to KLCC. Jingen y u walk so fast! Another xiasui moment when he heard the loud noise and turn back and tell me to be careful. Really no face d. Reached Masjid Jamek LRT to find my sister, but couldn't find my way out. Was heading towards Sentul Timur which I don't even know where is it. After some walking, I finally met my sister and get home. I seriously hate to walk fast and far in heels!

Sunday, November 4, 2012



10月27日。老妈早上就飞去澳洲旅行去了。下午,我们就到stadium merdeka排队,看big bang的演唱会。我的第一次,竟然给了big bang。7点多,突然下起大雨。他妈的,我们都手忙脚乱穿上雨衣。那场雨下到8点10分左右,演唱会正要开始的时候,就奇迹似地停雨了。其实整场演唱会我都有点心不在焉,一直在担心我到底有没有锁好车门。幸好晚上我们到yy家的时候,我的车还在。吓死我了。他们的演唱会最让我难忘的就是唱blue的时候,全场亮起蓝灯,超级美的!可以再encore一次吗?

接下来的星期一到五,真的连睡觉都没有时间。赶起一篇英文作文,video assignment, 考4科科目,还要照顾家里的人,做家务。累啊!真的是差点崩溃。可是还好星期五后,全部东西终算放缓了,也没这么大压力。现在只要赶完月尾的两个video,还有English presentation,就可以专心准备finals了。