Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Okay this is actually Shu Kim writing this post. I wanna write something about chooi mei. My plum. Plum actually originated from her Chinese name. Relate it to hokkien and you’ll know. Heee.
First of all, i didn’t FORCE her to write her previous post. I told her to write something about me. There’s a difference =)
Yeah plum was my friend for 2 years.
I got to know her more this year i guess. She’s nice. And She doesn’t like people to describe her as cute. Weird, huh?
Kinda mannnnn at times but i really did try to feminine-nise her. Make her a more girly girl. Taught her how to cross her leg properly. Talking with her hands not flying everywhere in the air. Smile more often. Talk more politely. Hahaha.
This plum LOVES dongjun from ZE:A. He’s okay-la to me. My BIG BANG and BEAST are better HEEE. Plum always introduce some dongjun/ZE:A videos to me. Then i’ll give her my opinion. Then she’ll be happy. Hahha. Up till now, all day long is still the BEST la J
Li-lien and I love to zha her. Know why? Cause she gets mad very easily. Not a good thing plumm. Controlll. Chilllll. You need counselling, like what Cheryl said. HAHA. Oh oh. She pulls off hair that annoys her. Especially her fringe. Omg how can a girl do that? A girl’s hair is an important asset, plum. Treasure it. =)
I always smile at her. Squeeze her. Annoy her. Disturb her. Sayang her. Love her. And now i’m missing her. =( let’s go outtttt!
I’m really gonna miss this plum like seriously. She’ll probably say i won’t miss you to me but i know she will :)
I’ll try to keep in touch with her when we walk separate ways in the future. I hope i will. =)
This is my very first blog post. My masterpiece LOL. Not my blog though. But i would like to dedicate it to my plum here. Thanks for allowing me to post this. Love ya xoxo.
KIM :)