2009年12月27日(星期日) 阴/雨
早上我没下酒店的餐厅吃早餐,因为我懒得起床,而且我们四个人也只有三张票。老姐吃完上来找我时,给我带来一个天大的坏消息,eric确定出水痘了!OMG,24号那天他已经有开始征兆了。。自己身为医生也不会检点一些。。我和ah wee还没出的啊!气死。而且就要开学了,还要等两个星期过了我才能放轻松。我的妈呀!!!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
2009年12月26日(星期六) 晴/阴
一早起来sms ah wee约他去morning walk,准备好,出门后,他居然说他懒!哼,放我飞机!在外面遇到kai ma和在找着stylus的eric。kai ma把我赶回房收拾行李。。呜。。要走了,舍不得ah wee!之后,老爸老妈买了早餐回来,全部人都在eric的房间,除了大舅之外。我吃完后,ah wee作势要抱起我,但是他后来说:不要啦,抱不起。我就跟他说:"你抱得起我,我讲你ho liao!"结果他抱着我的脚,把我整个ren顶上去,我却拼了命在挣扎(惧高症发作)。==||过没多久,eric就被darren欺负,骑在他背上。哈哈。。好像gay哦!ah wee就睡在eric的屁股,顺便把我拉下,睡在他大腿上,好温暖~但,干嘛楼着人家不放啦。。
一早起来sms ah wee约他去morning walk,准备好,出门后,他居然说他懒!哼,放我飞机!在外面遇到kai ma和在找着stylus的eric。kai ma把我赶回房收拾行李。。呜。。要走了,舍不得ah wee!之后,老爸老妈买了早餐回来,全部人都在eric的房间,除了大舅之外。我吃完后,ah wee作势要抱起我,但是他后来说:不要啦,抱不起。我就跟他说:"你抱得起我,我讲你ho liao!"结果他抱着我的脚,把我整个ren顶上去,我却拼了命在挣扎(惧高症发作)。==||过没多久,eric就被darren欺负,骑在他背上。哈哈。。好像gay哦!ah wee就睡在eric的屁股,顺便把我拉下,睡在他大腿上,好温暖~但,干嘛楼着人家不放啦。。
Saturday, December 26, 2009
2009年12月25日(星期五) 晴
我原本调了闹钟7。30am,但是赖床赖到8。30,看看时间。。OMG!!!!yee ma说8。30要走人的。。死咯。。sms ah wee问他,他妈起来了吗?他说回去睡了,算,我继续睡。结果没多久有人来敲门说我们迟起床,而且yee 吗已经醒了。什么嘛!!好咯。。准备好之后就出发到kedah yee ma家,eric慌乱之下竟然把stylus弄丢,ah yean只好找一根树枝让他用。。好好笑!到yee ma家后,我是晕死的。小舅见到我们要死不死的样子,就去隔几间的mamak店,叫了几杯咖啡。我和ah wee也顺道"八挂"一下,跟了过去。因为头晕,我便靠在他的背上,好舒服!
我、姐和ah wee有份当伴娘。。哈哈。。ah wee当伴娘,唯一的男生,场面挺搞笑的。伴娘里有一个女子,长的好像<恶作剧之吻>的纯美,但他是未来的表嫂,不是阿不的老婆,xD。在kedah yee ma家楼上等着新郎来时,ah wee突然从后面抱住我,把下巴放在我头上(身高刚好到他下巴),我就靠向他,结果他在那里咬下巴,破坏气氛。让我多靠一下嘛。。不知道他有没有发现我靠着他呢?玩了新郎一顿、给伴郎们corsage、新人敬茶后,我们就跟随到新郎家,显掉!!但是我始终不明白,为什么伴娘要给伴郎戴corsage?"三不识七的",奇怪!抵达新郎家,坏消息来了!!原本说好我们这些表兄弟姐妹不用去今晚的晚宴因为人数不足,我们被逼放弃pizza。呜呜。。我不依啦!!更糟的是,在我们走出新郎家要去外姨婆家的时候,klang yee ma的车"爆胎",前一天则是小舅的车爆胎 ==,引起了不小的轰动。
我走进去的时候,ah wee就跟我说,你直直走,不要望东望西,我还以为这也是习俗,再度炸到==。原来。。他是看到有一条狗,又知道我一看到狗就会怕,好贴心哦!他也算是个好人啦。。拿冰拿水的工作都是他在做。那天我的筷子技术不知道为什么突然失灵,一直夹不到菜,他只好帮我夹咯。没想到,第一道菜竟然有辣的食物,我拿了之后,还好还没放进口ah wee就告诉我,嘿嘿。。帮我吃吧!^^。他当晚吃了四碗的鱼翅,加上前一天的,一共是七碗欸!酷到爆!
我原本调了闹钟7。30am,但是赖床赖到8。30,看看时间。。OMG!!!!yee ma说8。30要走人的。。死咯。。sms ah wee问他,他妈起来了吗?他说回去睡了,算,我继续睡。结果没多久有人来敲门说我们迟起床,而且yee 吗已经醒了。什么嘛!!好咯。。准备好之后就出发到kedah yee ma家,eric慌乱之下竟然把stylus弄丢,ah yean只好找一根树枝让他用。。好好笑!到yee ma家后,我是晕死的。小舅见到我们要死不死的样子,就去隔几间的mamak店,叫了几杯咖啡。我和ah wee也顺道"八挂"一下,跟了过去。因为头晕,我便靠在他的背上,好舒服!
我、姐和ah wee有份当伴娘。。哈哈。。ah wee当伴娘,唯一的男生,场面挺搞笑的。伴娘里有一个女子,长的好像<恶作剧之吻>的纯美,但他是未来的表嫂,不是阿不的老婆,xD。在kedah yee ma家楼上等着新郎来时,ah wee突然从后面抱住我,把下巴放在我头上(身高刚好到他下巴),我就靠向他,结果他在那里咬下巴,破坏气氛。让我多靠一下嘛。。不知道他有没有发现我靠着他呢?玩了新郎一顿、给伴郎们corsage、新人敬茶后,我们就跟随到新郎家,显掉!!但是我始终不明白,为什么伴娘要给伴郎戴corsage?"三不识七的",奇怪!抵达新郎家,坏消息来了!!原本说好我们这些表兄弟姐妹不用去今晚的晚宴因为人数不足,我们被逼放弃pizza。呜呜。。我不依啦!!更糟的是,在我们走出新郎家要去外姨婆家的时候,klang yee ma的车"爆胎",前一天则是小舅的车爆胎 ==,引起了不小的轰动。
我走进去的时候,ah wee就跟我说,你直直走,不要望东望西,我还以为这也是习俗,再度炸到==。原来。。他是看到有一条狗,又知道我一看到狗就会怕,好贴心哦!他也算是个好人啦。。拿冰拿水的工作都是他在做。那天我的筷子技术不知道为什么突然失灵,一直夹不到菜,他只好帮我夹咯。没想到,第一道菜竟然有辣的食物,我拿了之后,还好还没放进口ah wee就告诉我,嘿嘿。。帮我吃吧!^^。他当晚吃了四碗的鱼翅,加上前一天的,一共是七碗欸!酷到爆!
Friday, December 25, 2009
2009年12月24日(星期四) 晴
今天是平安夜。早上7。15跟Eric和Kai ma出发到吉打参加表姐的婚礼。她是我的表兄弟姐妹里第一个结婚的欸!! 下午2点左右,终于抵达kedah yee ma家。walao,她煮了好多东西,但我因为晕车根本就没有食欲。等到3点多klang yee ma终于来了!啊~~ah wee一见到我又搂又抱的。。但是感觉好温暖哦!他也第一次牵我的手欸~~~
5点多,终于终于可以回酒店休息。下了泳池一会,发现自己竟然不会游泳了。。还喝了不少水。但这不能怪我,我可是几百年没下水了。过后赶回房里,准备参加新娘(女家)的晚宴。好奇怪,晚宴竟然分开男女两方办的?!当晚是和ah wee一起坐的。整晚聊不停。。哈哈。不知道是第几道菜上座了,只记得是一条鱼。由于十人的桌子只有六人,所以大家早就吃得饱饱了,没人肯动那条鱼。小舅走过来给我们夹鱼,我对他说我不吃鱼的,他夹完给大家后,很聪明地问我:"你是不是怕骨头?" *嗯嗯*,给我夹了一块没有骨头的鱼,嘿嘿~~~
之后我喝了一点红酒和威斯基。是酒精还是我不够睡?整个人是处于稍晕状态的。ah xing和ah kim更够力。。不小心把酱油倒进红酒里。那杯红酒和了嘴唇会像燃烧着一般的辣 @@。 ah wee 那晚喝了4碗的鱼翅,因为ah kim不能吃海鲜,就变成每人要喝两碗,但我又嫌它辣(放太多胡椒粉了啦!!),所以就酱咯。敬酒仪式后,男方+家属全跑光,他们说手潮洲习俗,不能把食物吃完,而且更离普的是女方请客,男方一定要迟到。什么跟什么嘛!
今天是平安夜。早上7。15跟Eric和Kai ma出发到吉打参加表姐的婚礼。她是我的表兄弟姐妹里第一个结婚的欸!! 下午2点左右,终于抵达kedah yee ma家。walao,她煮了好多东西,但我因为晕车根本就没有食欲。等到3点多klang yee ma终于来了!啊~~ah wee一见到我又搂又抱的。。但是感觉好温暖哦!他也第一次牵我的手欸~~~
5点多,终于终于可以回酒店休息。下了泳池一会,发现自己竟然不会游泳了。。还喝了不少水。但这不能怪我,我可是几百年没下水了。过后赶回房里,准备参加新娘(女家)的晚宴。好奇怪,晚宴竟然分开男女两方办的?!当晚是和ah wee一起坐的。整晚聊不停。。哈哈。不知道是第几道菜上座了,只记得是一条鱼。由于十人的桌子只有六人,所以大家早就吃得饱饱了,没人肯动那条鱼。小舅走过来给我们夹鱼,我对他说我不吃鱼的,他夹完给大家后,很聪明地问我:"你是不是怕骨头?" *嗯嗯*,给我夹了一块没有骨头的鱼,嘿嘿~~~
之后我喝了一点红酒和威斯基。是酒精还是我不够睡?整个人是处于稍晕状态的。ah xing和ah kim更够力。。不小心把酱油倒进红酒里。那杯红酒和了嘴唇会像燃烧着一般的辣 @@。 ah wee 那晚喝了4碗的鱼翅,因为ah kim不能吃海鲜,就变成每人要喝两碗,但我又嫌它辣(放太多胡椒粉了啦!!),所以就酱咯。敬酒仪式后,男方+家属全跑光,他们说手潮洲习俗,不能把食物吃完,而且更离普的是女方请客,男方一定要迟到。什么跟什么嘛!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Falling sick
Fell sick when I was sleeping. Incredible.. xD
When I was sleeping half-way through, suddenly I felt pain in my throat. At that time, the moon light was so bright till it kept me awake but luckily there was a tint on my window which filtered most of the brightness. It was that time when I caught my flu. No classes tomorrow, no duties, no need to write letter (which is the most important). YAY!!^^
This is an awful Sunday. The weather is freaking hot out there and I can't on my fan. Goshh... @@
When I was sleeping half-way through, suddenly I felt pain in my throat. At that time, the moon light was so bright till it kept me awake but luckily there was a tint on my window which filtered most of the brightness. It was that time when I caught my flu. No classes tomorrow, no duties, no need to write letter (which is the most important). YAY!!^^
This is an awful Sunday. The weather is freaking hot out there and I can't on my fan. Goshh... @@
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Chinese New Year
First day of new year was tiring. Kids running around in my house, jumping on the sofa, making soooooooooo much noise. Ok, I hate kids. Relatives came to my house, as usual, went back to my hometown, Subang Jaya. After the relatives ate my cookies, they kept on saying it was nice and one of my uncle even asked me to open a bakery! Haha. That's so funny. At night, went out again and bla bla bla. There were supposed to be an eclipse happening on this day but I didn't get to see it as there were alot of rain clouds blocking. They say is an unlucky sign for an eclipse to happen on the first day of new year but I don't know why.
Second day of new year, I went to klang, mum's hometown with my aunt and that's the usual routine of new year. But this year we went to two houses only because we were in aunt's house for a few hours and we had to rush back home for a dinner at night. Not a dinner but two dinners. One was to celebrate grandpa's birthday and the other one was kind of like a open house in the uncle house (the one who asked me to open a bakery). When we were in Klang aunt's house, I saw my beloveddd cousin brother, Teck Hong. Miss him so much!!! xD Normally I won't get a chance to see him as he seldom follows his father for popo's prayers every year. But whatever, he's still so handsome haha. Play "Jenrami" or what is called with Chui Yean, Teck Hong's sister. I was knocked out after Teck Hong. After playing the game we had to leave. Ahh... my Teck Hong, hope to see you near September during popo's prayers k! Had lunch at aunt's house also. Me and jie couldn't stop laughing for don't know what reason and Eric and Melvin said I've gone crazy till Tanjung Rambutan will reject me if I was sent there. What la.. == Then we went to mum's relative's house for about half an hour and we headed home. Tired but fun day.
At night when we were in uncle's open house,
one auntie asked me: Have you all eaten already?
Me: Yes.
Auntie: Why?
Me: *stunned*
Jie: Oh... we had another appointment just now.
How on earth would a person ask WHY when u said u had your dinner already? Almost fainted. LOL
Second day of new year, I went to klang, mum's hometown with my aunt and that's the usual routine of new year. But this year we went to two houses only because we were in aunt's house for a few hours and we had to rush back home for a dinner at night. Not a dinner but two dinners. One was to celebrate grandpa's birthday and the other one was kind of like a open house in the uncle house (the one who asked me to open a bakery). When we were in Klang aunt's house, I saw my beloveddd cousin brother, Teck Hong. Miss him so much!!! xD Normally I won't get a chance to see him as he seldom follows his father for popo's prayers every year. But whatever, he's still so handsome haha. Play "Jenrami" or what is called with Chui Yean, Teck Hong's sister. I was knocked out after Teck Hong. After playing the game we had to leave. Ahh... my Teck Hong, hope to see you near September during popo's prayers k! Had lunch at aunt's house also. Me and jie couldn't stop laughing for don't know what reason and Eric and Melvin said I've gone crazy till Tanjung Rambutan will reject me if I was sent there. What la.. == Then we went to mum's relative's house for about half an hour and we headed home. Tired but fun day.
At night when we were in uncle's open house,
one auntie asked me: Have you all eaten already?
Me: Yes.
Auntie: Why?
Me: *stunned*
Jie: Oh... we had another appointment just now.
How on earth would a person ask WHY when u said u had your dinner already? Almost fainted. LOL
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
AGM is tomorrow. Which club to join? Fustrated. With my sprained ankle I'll have to walk around the school like an insane person? Oh, no!
Okok, stop the thinking do the doing. Getting ready for Chinese New Year with some cookies. Owh, tired. Got my SPBT books today. I took the whole stack of books just for 2 lilttle practical book. Owh god!
Okok, stop the thinking do the doing. Getting ready for Chinese New Year with some cookies. Owh, tired. Got my SPBT books today. I took the whole stack of books just for 2 lilttle practical book. Owh god!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The first day of school
It was the first day of school in my Form4 life. While getting ready for school, i accidentally cut myself with the shave. Went to school at 6.50 for prefects meeting. After duties was assembly as usual. But, unluckily we had to sit down with the student on the floor with our white skirt! Ok, that's the 1st thing. Next thing, when we were supposed to stand up my whole leg was numb so i asked Pui Teng to hold me so I could get up but my leg couldn't stand and I fell on the floor. When i "dropped" onto the floor, I sprained my ankle! This is the 1st time such a thing happened on me. When I was off school, I asked mum to fetch me so I need not to climb the bridge with my sprained leg. Mum's hand was bitten by a big fat black ant. Felt so bad, if I did not call mum to fetch me she won't have got bitten by the ant and her hand got swallowed. After taking my lunch, mum brought me to see a chinese singse and he put some medicine on my leg. Smells nice though. Haha.
Supprisingly, I was arranged into the pure science first class, 4 Gamma, which is a nerd class in my eyes. Lol. Alot of them were from last year's 3 Kappa k!!
Supprisingly, I was arranged into the pure science first class, 4 Gamma, which is a nerd class in my eyes. Lol. Alot of them were from last year's 3 Kappa k!!
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